Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Thank goodness for Polyvore. At the moment, I don't have a proper camera to take pictures of my outfits, so I am having a hard time posting about what I am wearing. However, with Polyvore, I am able to find pieces that are similar to what I have in my closet, so I can somewhat recreate the outfits I'm wearing. Yes, I may not have exactly every things as it is shown, but in a perfect world, I would. Also, it's like window shopping, but in the comfort of your own home.

Plus, you know how sometimes you may get a craving for, let's say, chips (I know in my case, it's quite often). What I try to do sometimes, is to trick my brain into thinking I am eating chips by eating something crispy but healthier like popcorn, cucumbers, etc. Well Polyvore is kind of like the same thing. At the moment, I am trying to save up my money, but with all the nice, new little shops surrounding me every time I set foot outside, it's a testament to my will power that I am not completely broke yet. So when I feel the urge to shop and buy some new clothes, I go on Polyvore and do some imaginary shopping. It kind of helps with the shopping craving AND when I do decide to go shopping, I will have in mind exactly what I want, thus maybe making save money by not going out of control and getting myself just about anything. It's like making a grocery list! 

So when I see today's outfit, I can imagine myself wearing it while walking in the city in the afternoon, window-shopping, drinking a cappuccino while reading my latest favourite book in a little café. I am a big fan of cardigans and scarfs, so this ensemble would be my ideal hanging out outfit.



lauren, curious constellation said...

I love those lips, I'm desperately trying to find the best way to create the matte finish.

Micaela // Drifter and the Gypsy said...

That is a gorgeous outfit!

Clara Turbay said...

It´s simple but great. Really good ideas!

Unknown said...

Those wedges are amazing!