Sunday, February 22, 2015

An engagement story

The 2nd of November 2014 was a cold, rainy, miserable day, but it ended up being the happiest day of my life. It was the day my Shane and I got engaged.

I woke up on that Sunday morning thinking it was just going to be another normal day, but I had no idea what was actually in store for me. Shane was due to fly back to Ireland two days after, so we were basically just basking in each other's company as much as we could. According to the weather reports, snow was to be expected that afternoon so he wanted to go out for a walk to experience Canadian snow.

During his 7 week stay, we had gone for strolls around a nearby lake to feed the ducks. There is a really nice spot with a gazebo and a floating quay where we'd go to give bread to the ducks that swam around. It was a calm and serene little spot where we both enjoyed spending time, so Shane wanted to go one last time before he left. 

Unfortunately, when we got there, instead of the snow he was expecting,, there was torrential rain and wind. And to his horror, the floating quay (where he was planning on popping the question) had been taken away! I suggested we come back the next day, but he was adamant on feeding the ducks. It was as if everything was going against Shane, because the few ducks that had braved the weather refused to even eat the bread we were throwing them. 

I hurriedly threw all my pieces of bread in the water as I was cold and soaked and I turned around to ask Shane if he was done when I saw him just standing there. He said “can I ask you a favour?” and then kneeled down and asked me to marry him. I was completely lost for words; I had no idea he was planning this! I started laughing and crying until he asked if that meant yes, after which I assured him it did. 

The next few minutes were a complete blur of hugs, kisses, rain and wind. I didn't care that it was raining and that we were both likely to catch a cold. All that mattered in that moment was that wonderful man in my arms, my fiancé.

Long story short: nothing went according to Shane’s plans. He had envisioned proposing on the floating quay while big, fluffy, romantic snowflakes fell around us. Instead, he got no quay, ducks that didn't even want to eat, wind and rain. But to me, it was perfect!

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